ULTIMATE HEALTH & FITNESS TRACKER FOR CARDIO, SPORTS & RUNNINGnnJoin the fitness revolution with adidas Running, the complete sports, fitness & activity tracker to log multiple sports in one place. Track your cardio such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc and also other sports. There are more than 90 sports activities that you can track with adidas Running! nnPARTICIPATE IN RUN FOR THE OCEANS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!nnSTAY MOTIVATED | TRACK MULTIPLE SPORTS & FITNESS ACTIVITIES | SOCIALIZEnnThere are over 170m people who use adidas Running: sport, fitness & activity tracker frequently to log their fitness activities & exercise routines for walking, cycling, running & many other sports. Were more than just a run & distance tracker. With regular challenges & virtual races, youll always be motivated. Keep a log of minutes, km & calories burned & see your statistics. Get better as you go, follow other athletes & join sport clubs around you to keep yourself motivated! nn8 REASONS TO LOVE ADIDAS RUNNINGnn1. YOUR TRAINING PLAN: Create your Run plan according to distance, duration or consistency: Choose a personal goal (weight loss, 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon etc) for running or the sport of your choice.n n2. ACCURACY: Built-in GPS tracking, pedometer track distance of your cardio workouts including indicators such as pace, calories, cadence etc. nn3. FITNESS STATS: Track duration, distance, calories burned, and monitor heart rate data.nn4. SOCIAL SPARK: Participate in virtual races & competitions. Run together with thousands of adidas Running users & join RUN FOR THE OCEANS RIGHT NOW! nn5. TRACK MULTIPLE SPORTS: Select more than 90 sports incl. hiking, cycling, track & accomplish your fitness goals.nn6. ALL IN ONE SPORT ACTIVITY APP FOR FREE: Running app & sport activity tracker built for beginners, experienced runners & athletes!nn7. DAILY HEALTH & FITNESS TIPS: Get updated & motivated through our blog posts on fitness topics, your followers activities & events around your locationnn8. CONNECT YOUR DEVICES: Integrate adidas running with devices like Garmin Connect, Google fit etc.nnTHE ULTIMATE DISTANCE & RUN-TRACKER FOR SPORTS, WALKING, JOGGING, CYCLING & RUNNINGnnStart with running as a beginner and easily track your progress. Go from couch-to-5k in no time! With live GPS tracking & pedometer, you will be able to accurately track your runs, jogs, walks or when cycling. Additionally, you can log your sports activity such as gymnastics, football, and more than 90 sports within adidas running for free!nnTRAINER FOR MARATHON & HALF MARATHON TRAINING (premium)nnWith its accurate pedometer & distance tracker & run coach all you need to focus on is your run & energy. Get adidas Running: Sport, Activity & fitness tracker is great for improving performance & building endurance for marathon training. Download adidas running & build your own marathon training plan!nnPREMIUM MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS:nn- Personalized training & run plans for races (weight loss, 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon)nn- Interval training for running, walking & cycling - Train with your personal run coach & trainer!nn- Personal records to mark all your achievementsnn- Auto-pause when you stop movingnn- Premium membership for adidas training appnnAPP USAGE INFO & PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP DETAILSnnThe adidas Running app by Runtastic is free to download & use. Some features, such as your running training plans, are unlocked only with the purchase of a Premium Membership. Your Membership renews automatically if you do not cancel it within 24 hours prior to the end of the subscription period. The renewal of your Premium Membership will be charged to your account up to 24 hours before your current Membership expires. The cancellation of an in-app Membership subscription is not permitted. The option to disable the automatic renewal of your Premium Membership is available to you in your Google Play account settings.