NBCOT Flashcards are used by students preparing for the NBCOT Exam. NBCOT Flashcards Study GuidesA complete resource for exam preparation, the NBCOT Flashcards contain all the information you will need to know about the certification exam.Here is some of what you will find in the NBCOT Flashcards :Comprehensive Overview: Each deck contains information about the format of the examination, what to expect on the test day, and how the examinations are scored.Proven Strategies: Ideal for learning effective study habits, the flashcards contain information about using adult learning strategies to set study goals, and using resources effectively when preparing for the examination.Sample Practice Items: The sample practice items mirror the format and flow of items candidates see on the actual examination and include answer keys, rationales, and references to help develop a personal study plan. An OTR clinical simulation test item is also included for candidates to work through along with the answer key and related reference.Decks included:VisionCognitionMusculoskeletalHumanDevelopmentProvocativeTestsPediatricPsychosocialMovementVocabulary