Egyptian Sheikh and doctor Ahmed Naina, born in 1952 in the city of Motbas in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, lived a distinguished life thanks to his dedication to reciting the Qur’an.
. And his achievements in the field of medicine
Ahmed Nainaa began his educational career in Motabas schools, and then continued his secondary studies in Rashid, Beheira Governorate. His educational path led him to the Faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University, where he obtained a bachelor's degree before working at the University Hospital in Alexandria. Later, he was appointed deputy director at the university's children's hospital, as well as deputy director at the curative institution in the same city. In addition, Sheikh Ahmed Naina holds
. Master's and doctoral degrees in pediatrics
From a young age, Ahmed Naina showed remarkable dedication to learning the Qur’an. At the age of eight, he succeeded in memorizing the entire Qur’an and mastered the art of “Tajweed” under the supervision of Sheikh Ahmed Al Shawa. His dedication to reciting the Qur’an increased as he regularly listened to recitations of the best Qur’an reciters on the radio, including Sheikh Muhammad Rifaat, Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad, and Sheikh Abu Al-Ainin Shuwaisha. However, it was Sheikh Mustafa Ismail who greatly influenced him and became his role model that he cherishes. He imitated him precisely in his style of recitation, until it fit him completely. Sheikh Ahmed’s most prominent statements about Sheikh Mustafa Ismail were: “After that, my love and appreciation for him grew. I got to know him closely when I went to the Faculty of Medicine in Alexandria. I discovered that he is the most important Sheikh.”
. Completely, because he had multiple methods of teaching and preaching.”
Sheikh Ahmed Na'naa had the honor of studying reading in ten recitations under the supervision of Sheikh Muhammad Farid Al-Na'mani and his wife, Sheikha Umm Saad. He was learning with them every day after
. Fajr prayer for two hours before heading to university
Sheikh Ahmed Naina became famous thanks to his special voice, and associations and mosques approached him. He was reciting the Holy Qur’an in the “Young Muslims” Association, which was under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Darwish, the Minister of Health at that time.
. the time
The year 1967 witnessed a special event in the life of Sheikh Ahmed Naina. President Anwar Sadat listened to his recitation of the Qur’an at an aerial ceremony, just after Ahmed Nuwayna finished his studies
. He joined the Egyptian Navy
President Sadat's appreciation for his "tajweed" led to his recruitment as a personal physician in his secretariat. President Sadat also ordered that Sheikh Ahmed Naina recite the Qur’an everywhere he goes. As a result, he was given the title of “Reciter of the Qur’an for the Presidency,” and he retained this title even during the rule of former President Hosni Mubarak, where he recited...
. In his private celebrations
Sheikh Ahmed Naina's career provided many opportunities to recite the Qur’an in front of the kings and presidents of the most famous and popular countries, as he traveled to several countries around the world. In addition, he won first prize in an international Quran recitation competition in India in 1985, and was crowned the best Quran reciter in another competition in Malaysia in 1995, as well as in a third competition in the Sultanate of Brunei. These successes made him an accomplished reader
. The Qur’an has a distinguished doctor and a respected personality