MNServizi Publicitari is the application that allows you to design and print your advertising in just a few minutes, with the help of our experts and at low cost prices.
Our Agency carries out communication projects, such as advertising campaigns through our internal graphic studio,
which are then produced using high-end printing and cutting plotters and our other advertising tools.
We can propose different and effective communication channels, our task will be to make them real.
Our goal?? Improve and increase the visibility of the client's corporate content by planning a communication strategy and providing solutions such as: the use of owned Vela Trucks, roadside billboards, displaying small and large format posters, graphic projects, Web Sites and Social Media management , design and creation of Apps for Android and iOS
Main features of the MNServizi App:
- App design
- Online shop of our products
- Specific services offered by MNServizi
- Free ad hoc estimates
Follow us on our social networks too!