In the Gospel of John, Jesus interacts with people and challenges the Pharisees in the 'Battle for Belief.' John wrote his gospel 'so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name' (John 20:31). Verses based on 'Scriptures Alive! - Gospel of John', Copyright © 2010 by James D. Battle.
Here’s help for memorizing key verses in the Gospel of John. See, say and record the verses, and play several games to help you commit verses to memory. Tracks memory and review status for multiple participants and gives points for their memory/review activity.
Features and Benefits –
- Encourages memorization and review of important Bible verses
- Make audio recordings and play back to check your recitation
- Verses are currently available in NASB, KJV, NKJV, ESV and NIV
- Memory activities such as Phrases (show a phrase at a time), Word Take-Away, and Reference ID (gives the Scripture text and lets you choose the reference)
To continue your spiritual growth using related Bible memory apps by the same author, you can search for BattleGearApps or FreeBattleGear.