A Eudist prayer for every day.
In this era marked by the consumption of material goods, we wish to offer our visitors a participation in the prayer experience of this great master of the seventeenth century: Saint John Eudes. His writings very often lead, in various forms, to 'elevations' in meditation and prayer.
This proposal is based on a book previously published by a Eudist biblical scholar, Father Henri Cormier, entitled 'Le Dynamisme des Temps'. He recalled in his book the importance of reading the signs of the times in a lively and alert manner. He wrote:
If it is true that there are 'many' times, that there are 'several' signs of the times, there is only 'one' dynamism in all the signs and all the times. Time and signs are many, but there is one God, one Lord, one Spirit who makes us signs and energizes us.
It is in this spirit that he has gone through the twelve volumes of the Complete Works of Saint John Eudes, in order to draw the essentials and to distribute the texts during the times of the year, endeavoring, he says, to stay true to the thought of one of the most dynamic saints of the seventeenth century.
A prayer will be presented every day, adapted to the different periods of the year and from the liturgical year.
It will express in a few words, by audio and by text, a deep spiritual experience coming from the teacher, often in a vocabulary faithful to his way of expressing himself but able to inspire and nourish today our personal or community prayer.