Emily Raihman
It's a very good app, and I actually look forward to the daily challenges everyday. It might be a coincidence but the challenge that I get always had to do with something that I've been going through, like one time it told me to forgive the person I had the argument with last, and I had an argument with my boyfriend that morning. Very helpful! Sometimes the challenges are very easy to do for me, but I like that they are easy enough to do that I don't want to give up.
13 people found this review helpful

Gilly Mac
Fun. You get sweet heartening messages every day. It's very endearing. The whole app encourages & motivates. It's simple to use even if you're simple haha. Has genuinely contributed to some happiness in tough times. It's the 1st thing I check when I look at my phone in the morning, instead of searching for approval on toxic platforms, this 1s safe, there's no negative discourse or criticism. Let's you share little quotes about your happiness &ppl can "like" Addictive, but benevolently so. Love!
16 people found this review helpful

Sonia Menghani
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#review #happiness #positivo Law of attraction says that one attracts what one feels. Here is one app that puts you in a great frame of mind by shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your life. It encourages you to think of all the good things happening to you, thus making you happy and in turn attracting more happiness in your lives! Spending a few minutes on this app each day has definitely made me a happier person!!! A great tool to inculcate happy habits. Love it ☺️
5 people found this review helpful