AsistManager new version of the traditional AsistAdmin.
Simplify the use and installation, we add more compatible origins of services and group them into a single version 6 variants were available.
Sencilo now more than ever, and free as ever !.
- you Want to receive Internet services ?.
- He wants to have the functionality of a Nextel with an exclusive private radio system for your company ?.
- You want to assign services to its fleet of up to 15 mobile ?. Drivers mark their service and you progress. You can see in real time ?.
- Take photographs, fill out forms, credit card receivables, both its base and its mobile ?.
- already you have AsistAdmin / 2K4 and want to cover the night shift without opening his office ?.
- Le interested in how services are allocating your office from your tablet / phone ?.
For these and other cases, this is the only application you need !.
And do not forget, our service AVL / Mobile Satellite Tracking. It is the only market with special reports for the shuttle vehicles and mechanical assistance, and its cost is only one third of that alternative !.
Remember to contact us at +54 (11) 5252-9222 for more information.