Anyone can download videos from famous social medias. Here you can save easily friends status and funny video. Our downloading App work with rocket technology. So you can download any video only seconds.
Simply you can copy url and paste here. Some more guide for using this app .
If you want download your friends Whtsapp status -
* Go to Whtsapp and watch friends status
* Come into our app and open single Whtsapp downloading option.
This app allows you to download images, GIF and Video status from your Whtsapps or WA Business and easily share with your friends.
And other social Medias platform.
* Go to any media.
* Click on shareable link .
* On popup you find " copy to clipboard "
* Come here our application
* Paste you want link .
Many more option are available in TR Status Saver & All Video Downloader For Many Social medias .
* Please get the PERMISSION from the owner before you download.
* We are not responsible for any intellectual property violation that results from an unauthorized download of a video.
* We respect the rights of All Social Media.
* This app is not associated with Any Social Media.