Mediapart is the 3rd daily general information newspaper in France, independent of all powers and participatory.
Political news in France and around the world, info, investigation, surveys, videos, podcast, documentary films: Mediapart is a 100% independent newspaper, without shareholders, without advertising, without subsidies
🌍 News, revelations and exclusive investigations in France and around the world
- War in the Middle East
- Libyan Sarkozy-Gaddafi affair
- #MeToo
- Motion of censure against the government
- Social and political crisis in France
- Second term of Donald Trump
🗞️ Info and news in France and around the world
- Investigations and investigations
- Field reports
- Bias
- Video reports
- AFP news feed (Agence France Presse)
- Free open access articles selected by the editorial staff
🎙️ Varied content
- News video broadcasts: À l'air libre, Jokes Bloc with Guillaume Meurice, La chronicle de Waly Dia, L'écuée with Edwy Plenel, Extrêmorama with David Dufresne, Retex...
- Investigations and video reports in France and around the world: Israel-Hamas war, war in Ukraine, Paris 2024 Olympic Games, European elections
- Audio podcasts on political news, investigation and culture: Edwy Plenel podcast a life of investigations, Podcast From investigation to trial (Gérard Depardieu affair, Stéphane Plaza affair, Nicolas Sarkozy Libyan affair), cultural podcast l'Esprit Critique, Podcast la Relève, Podcast Le Squale secret operations, audio articles and audio summaries
- Partner documentaries Tënk, the documentary film Media Crash, the documentary film Guet-apens
- Free newsletters
🤝 A participatory journal
With the Mediapart Club, subscribers can comment on articles but also publish posts on your blog.
A selection of these contributions is accessible to all users of the mobile application, whether subscribed or not.
The advantages of the Mediapart app
- All Mediapart in a free app without ads: All articles and surveys from the newspaper (International, Politics, France, Economy), Club, Podcast, Video broadcasts
- Save your articles to read them later
- Read the essential information with article summaries
- Receive our live info alerts: investigations and revelations
7 days of subscriptions offered only in the app
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Your opinion is important
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