Free ads:
Individuals can add up to 5 free ads per month (30 days from publication).
Legal entities can add up to 5 free ads per month (30 days from publication).
* all announcements, both free and subscription have the same validity period, 30 days from the moment of publication.
Once the ads have been verified, they are automatically published and counted.
If the free ad limit has been reached, but you want to add more ads, you can use the two options below:
wait for the limitation period to pass
choose one of the available ad subscriptions
Note: The purchased subscription cannot be carried over or returned, make sure you purchase the package with the right number of included ads. The ads published after purchasing a subscription appear on the portal in the same way as the free ads.
Promoted ads:
You can promote your ads by choosing one of the promotion methods you find here.
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