CRESCENT First through Quality Teaching and Learning Process
To ensure quality education to students through industry oriented curriculum & syllabi, highly qualified faculty, choice based credit system, state of the art infrastructure facilities and student centric academic system.
To ensure quality teaching process through continuous academic monitoring, stake holders’ feedback, internal quality assurance mechanism and faculty knowledge up-gradation.
To provide excellent learning and research ambience to students through structured academic activities.
What we do
Facilitate updation of curriculum and syllabus for academic programmes
Formulate regulations for academic programmes
Ensuring quality teaching - learning process through structured mechanism
Monitoring internal quality assurance mechanism
Monitoring the institution Transformation KPI's
Facilitate departments to organize Board of Studies
Facilitate conduct of Academic Council, Academic & Administration Audit and Convocation
Prepare Academic Calendar and facilitate Time-Table preparation
Facilitate conduct of redo courses by Departments
Holistically plan and monitor the academic system of the institution.
Redressing academic related student grievances