प्रज्ञा नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोश

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About this app

Pragya Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh, by Nepal Academy (Nepal Pragya Pratisthan), is the official dictionary for Nepali language and is widely considered an important printed document. It is used by Nepali language users all over the world. However, with the advent of mobile technologies, readers are shifting towards accessing most of their information right from their mobile phones. This has resulted in an overwhelming number of requests from the readers for an official app for Pragya Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh. Understanding the need to shift to an app-based dictionary for the growth of the dictionary and acknowledging its improved accessibility for readers, Nepal Academy, in technical support of Naya, has created this app.

The minimalistic design of the app gives the readers the feeling of a book, while at the same time its state-of-the-art technological architecture removes the hassle of searching for words through pages of a physical dictionary.

App features:
- Contains 128k+ words from the 1st Edition of the Pragya Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh
- Completely offline (except for the feedback form)
- Contains features to report errors and missing words
- Extremely easy to use
- No Ads, no trackers!


प्रज्ञा नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोश नेपाली भाषाको आधिकारिक शब्दकोश हो । संसारभर छरिएर बसेका नेपाली भाषाका प्रयोक्‍ताहरूले नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोशलाई आधिकारिक र मानक रूपमा लिई आवश्यक सूचनाहरू प्राप्त गर्दै आएका छन्। यही सन्दर्भमा यसको पुस्तकाकार रूपमा मुद्रित प्रतिका साथै आजको सूचना प्रविधिको सहजताले गर्दा यसको ‘एप’ (APP) प्रतिको पनि माग देश विदेशबाट भएकाले नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोशको दसौँ संस्करणको ‘एप’ निर्माण गरी प्रयोगमा ल्याइयो। पाठकहरूको रुचि र मागबमोजिम त्यसै एपलाई निरन्त्तरता दिँदै प्रज्ञा नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोश पुनर्मुद्रण एवम् ‘एप’ दुवै रूपमा सहजताका साथ उपलब्ध हुने व्यवस्था गरिएको छ। एपमा आधारित शब्दकोश प्रयोग गर्न चाहनुहुने पाठकहरूको आवश्यकतालाई ध्यानमा राखी नेपाल प्रज्ञा-प्रतिष्ठानले नयाँ यात्रा प्रा. लि.को प्राविधिक सहयोगमा यो एपको निर्माण गरेको हो ।

एपका विशेषताहरू :
- प्रज्ञा नेपाली बृहत् शब्दकोशको प्रथम संस्करणमा आधारित १ लाख २८ हजारभन्दा बढी शब्दहरू।
- पूर्ण रूपले अफलाइन (सुझाब फारम बाहेक) ।
- अपुग शब्दहरूको सूचना दिने फारम ।
- प्रयोग गर्न अत्यन्त सजिलो ।
- विज्ञापन रहित, ट्र्याकर रहित ।
Updated on
Dec 1, 2022

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Ratings and reviews

1.86K reviews
September 1, 2020
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put forward this suggestion, but it would be much easier for us users if the dictionary's PDF version was also in Unicode and had alphabetical indexing. Kudos to Nepal Academy and the developers for bringing out this app. Looking forward to further refinements including definitions with examples in future releases.
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Nilammani Malla
July 13, 2020
The long awaited official app will be useful for Nepali language lovers. I wanted to give five star but the font display size is too big. Must be suitable for reading according to screen size. Also, if there was a facility to translate Nepali-English, English-Nepali, the Nepali language would be more ubiquitous and would be further supported in its propagation.
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Ñeupane Űtshab
November 22, 2023
This dictionary has relevant meanings of the words. Two to three different meanings are provided but it has got issue with user interface. Like, if we want to find the word "हाकिम",then we have to scroll all the way down from words starting fromहाक... to words starting from हाकी..
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What’s new

Core Features:
- Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh has now been upgraded to Pragya Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh
- Contains 128k+ words from the 1st Edition of Pragya Nepali Brihat Sabdakosh (updated from the previous 60k+)
- Completely offline (except the feedback form of course)
- Contains features to report errors and missing words
- Extremely easy to use
- No Ads, no trackers!
Changes in this version:
- Fixed errors in words/meanings based on user feedback
- Bug fix for Android 6.0

App support

Phone number
About the developer
Naya Yatra Private Limited
Sitapaila, Bagmati, Kathmandu 44600 Nepal
+977 986-3038861