John Walker
Well, shoot. I hate to mislead anyone by reviewing an app which hasn't seen any updates in over a year, and so could very well be dead at this point (mid-July, '23), but I love it! It has a couple of quirks, like not dealing with pop-ups before saving, but, other than that it's highly useful to me. I use it as an ultra-bookmarker, for things I want to save as-is, before they're either altered or taken down forever. Please don't abandon your app, dev.
7 people found this review helpful

It does save a single webpage, in a format that perfectly duplicates the original. Too bad there's no indication of _what_ format. Also, there's no obvious way to add, rename, or delete folders. Looks like you'll have to use this app forever to access the files you've saved. I could be wrong, but I really don't feel like bothering to connect my phone to my PC to find out. The whole process should be much easier than this, and require zero guesswork. Uninstalling.

A Google user
best offline reader app. would like drag drop reordering. would really like to be able to use this cross platform. would really like to be able to pay for app to help further dev. would really like to be able to specify data folder for easier backup. would like to be able to set default view to All. would really like to not refresh on swipe down due to being potentially offline, or at a later attemptng to refresh a page that is no longer avail. reddit does not archive properly. Windows ver pls.
1 person found this review helpful