Would you like to collect your salary whenever you want, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
That's precisely what Anticipate 24/7 offers you!
Thanks to the alliance we have with your company, you will be able to advance your salary when you need it most. All this without cumbersome processes, and immediately, so you can meet your goals.
Receive the money in your bank account just a click away!
At the end of the month you will be paid on the same day as always, in your usual account. You don't have to worry about anything, your company is responsible for making the payroll discounts for the requested Advances.
In order to access the benefits of Anticipate 24/7, it is necessary that we form an alliance with your company. Once the alliance is formed, we will register you on our platform and you will be able to request your Advance immediately from your App.
If Anticipate 24/7 is not yet part of your company, contact us at info@anticipate247.com with your company information; We'll take care of the rest so you can soon collect your salary today, 24/7!
Rate: The commission rate ranges between 3% (three) and 5% (five) of the requested amount, 0% (zero) interest rate.
Period: Up to 30 days
Example: If you request an advance of S/.350.00, your commission would be S/.22.50 with which you would pay S/.376.55 including VAT (general sales tax).