Pablo Fajardo
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App was unable to connect to my appointment correctly. On a fiber Wi-Fi connection, 3 feet from signal, and internet working fine on my home computers connected same way. It was frustrating not being able to meet with the doctor and get the help I need. It was also very frustrating not knowing what's next. Were they going to call me back, were they going to reschedule, what is the expected time frame, etc... I do not recommend this app, for now. Maybe I'll come back and update this later.
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Justin Cleva
Not compatible with latest version of Android. Keeps sending texts to confirm my shipping address, but when I click the link in the text it just opens the homepage of the app. There is nowhere to confirm the address so they won't send my medical device. Also, keeps asking me to turn on permission for "Gallery Access" when no such permission exists, preventing me from uploading required photos and documents. Providers are helpful but the app itself is unusable.
36 people found this review helpful
Circle Medical Technologies
April 4, 2023
Hi Justin, thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, and I am sorry you experienced these technical issues. I have reported them to our engineering team to make sure they are addressed - if you are able to, you may also reach out to me (Gemma) via the chat function, and I can personally assist with any troubles there.

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Totally unusable against Android update. Can't schedule/reschedule in the app. It gets stuck at a refresh icon screen, then an empty screen for insurance info/card on file, with no way to proceed. Also, can't close out a CS chat (due to slow response time, I resolved the issue on my own before getting a reply, but couldn't even comment in the chat to close it out)
29 people found this review helpful
Circle Medical Technologies
June 27, 2023
Hi, and thank you for letting us know about this, I'm sorry you have been experiencing this issue. Our engineering team has been notified and we are actively looking into it. If you are able to, please email support@circlemedical.com and mention my name, Canberk, so that I can look into this further and help you resolve this issue.