Latin->German and German->Latin dictionary as a practical Latin app with form definition and extensive word grammar
The large Latin dictionary from Navigium contains 35,000 words and phrases and finds over 1,000,000 inflected forms. All entries are stored in the app itself, so no online connection is required to use it. A shape determination is carried out for all shapes found. Clear conjugation and declension tables are available for all verbs, nouns, adjectives and pronouns.
Using the search button, you can search in both Latin-German and German-Latin directions: Simply enter the desired word (Latin or German) in the search field and the search results will be displayed directly. The associated declension or conjugation class is given for all nouns, adjectives and verbs.
The vocabulary contained in the dictionary is provided with the vowel lengths that are essential for pronunciation. In addition to the German meanings, English, French, Spanish and/or Italian mnemonics are displayed.
The app also finds declined and conjugated forms and performs form determination. Here are some examples:
* Search for "sustulerat" finds greater (3rd Pers. Sg. Plusquamperf. Ind. Akt.) and sufferre;
* Search for "arcem" finds "arx arcis, f" (Akk. Sg.);
* Searching for "forte" finds the adjective "fortis forte" in addition to the adverb.
Navigium contains the complete word grammar for each entry:
- all verb forms including deponents, semideponents
- all declined forms of nouns, adjectives and pronouns, including intensification
The entries found can be stored in a watch list and accessed again at any time.
The Navigium large-scale Latin dictionary is based on the work of Dr. phil. Karl Niederau and Philipp Niederau continuously developed and widely used learning software "Navigium, Computer Training Latin". The scope corresponds to that of the well-known online dictionary from