Visitors can pre-register on the website and exhibitors can obtain this information through a QR code.
A QR code that does not contain personal information is printed on the visitor pass that visitors print out and bring with them.
By reading this QR code, the exhibitor will be able to read the ID of the visitor,
In addition, it is possible to see the personal information associated with the ID on the app.
●Features of this application
1) The read visitor information is displayed on the smartphone screen on the spot.
It can be used for appropriate response work according to the position of each visitor.
2) You can download the accumulated visitor information.
You can download the data read from the exhibitor's My Page on the exhibition site.
Exhibitions and online exhibition visitor information can be managed individually and comprehensively, and can be used for sales development.
3) You can create questionnaires linked to visitors and exhibits.
It can be used as an exhibitor's own questionnaire or as a memo function for each visitor.
●How to use
To use the app, it is necessary to participate in the corresponding exhibition.
After installing the app, register the exhibition code and exhibitor ID/password to use.