"Kityourkids" is a parental control application that helps monitor the safety and development of a child.
With it you can:
- create the correct schedule;
- monitor the level of physical activity and body mass index;
- set restrictions on the use of applications installed on the child’s smartphone;
- reward your child with game bonuses and minutes for using applications limited by parents.
-see in real time the location of the student’s smartphone on the map
The My Trajectory platform is a new look at parental control, in which parents and their children act as equal partners and it depends only on the child how much he can use the smartphone.
Kityourkids application - allows parents to see all installed applications on their child's smartphone. Concentration of attention is important for effective development and learning, but modern media (games, instant messengers and social networks) do not allow educational projects to seize the initiative. Therefore, parents can restrict access to certain (or all) installed programs on the child’s smartphone, and the student can unlock them using the minutes that he receives from his parents when performing activities from his schedule, along with game bonuses. Motivation is a serious tool in the development of any person, especially if it is a child. Game resources that the child uses in the built-in game are used as bonuses to develop their characters.