Explore Perth's attractions, maps, events, food, shopping, sightseeing, blogs, discounts and more.
Over 35 discounts on attractions, restaurants, car rentals, ferries, tours and shopping are offered to help you increase your holiday dollars more during your trip to Perth.
Planning to travel to Rottnest Island or Fremantle? Look and see the fun things, how to get as well as you need to know to help you the most during your vacation.
The app provides detailed information, including websites, links and links to places for major Perth attractions and activities. It will show you that you can pat and feed kangaroos, take selfies with kokokas, swim with dolphins, find small laneways in Perth's CBD, enjoy fresh, local seafood. , Stall in markets or watch the latest festivals and events. Held throughout the year in Perth.
Read a brief history on Perth, as well as all general information about Perth such as weather, money, hospital or bus and train routes.
10-40% off on attractions, restaurants, car rentals, ferries, tours and shopping. Just download the discount page on your phone and show the discount or use the code when booking.
Downloadable maps for all major tourist destinations including Perth, Fremantle, Rotnest Island, Perth Hills, Mandurah, Scarborough and Western Australia. Also download the rail and free cat bus routes.
Direct links through Perth's attractions, tours, car hire, events and activities.
To complement the app, visit your free copy of the Hello Perth Visitor Guide Book and print maps from Perth Airport, visitor centers, and over 200 destinations in Perth.
No in-app purchases, only download costs.