Bhumi Maap Map
Bhumi Maap is a (Bhumi Mapan App for Android ) Area Measuring Application that actively measure area on map based on your location or free finger tip points. You can measure the area in Acre , Meter Square, Square Feet, Bigha, Satak, Dismil. etc . based on the coordinate selected by you .
This Application Require the following permissions .
- Location Permission ( for getting the area you want to measure )
How to measure ?:
just open the app , select gps if you want to measure the near by area of your mobile phone your are currently in . or drag to find specific area .
now long press on map to create marker and make at least 3 marker to highlight the area now press on calculate button to calculate area of the selected region .
Erasing marker : tap on the marker to remove it
Erasing Area : tap on the selected area and then click on the clear button to clear mark with all history
Types of Maps : You can view hybrid , normal , terrain , satellite maps on this application to help in identifying the region or area of interest .