Registered for the Citizenship or Social Studies exam (Statsborgerprøve or Samfunnskunnskapsprøve) and wondering what's the best way to prepare? We've got a nice option for you - get the app and enjoy learning it all faster and easier!
Three modes:
1. Practice - try passing a test with no time limit and see if your answers are correct immediately.
2. Take the exam - just like a real test, answer questions in 1 hour or less and see if the end result is good enough for passing the exam.
3. Browse all questions - there are around 350 questions in random order you can read through and pick answers you believe are right. Correctness is indicated right away.
Absolutely Ads free.
After spending some time with the app you'll not only be well prepared for your exam but you'll also learn quite a few interesting facts about Norway and Norwegian society that some native Norwegians might not be aware of! So, feel free to test your Norwegian friends, colleagues and acquaintances or use it as a conversation opener :)
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