ECOSECHA is the name under which Gneis Sociedad Cooperativa Madrileña develops its line of certified organic production*, which offers seasonal horticultural products.
Our cooperative is committed to respecting the environment in the development of its activity, making it compatible with the quality of the jobs. That is why at the time we chose the cooperative formula.
(*) You can see the certificate granted by the CAEM (Ecological Agriculture Committee of Madrid) by clicking here.
We decided to bet on an ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE that respects the health of the ecosystems and, therefore, that of the human being.
ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE maintains the soil in an adequate balance between our intervention and that of the living beings that inhabit it and make it fertile.
The nutrients that we provide, of organic origin, respect the balance of the soil. And to deal with crop pests, we are committed to prevention, biological control and natural treatments.
Thus, ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE allows us to enjoy products that feed on biological nutrients and not synthetic ones, offering much healthier, tastier, more nutritious and safer vegetables.
ECOSECHA is an agroecological cooperative project that we have in production 2 farms, with a total of 8.5 hectares, within the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid.
These farms have been in certified organic production since 2010.
In them we plant about 40 types of vegetables and many varieties throughout the year.
The orchard changes throughout the year and a rose bush of vegetables are constantly growing on these fertile lands. From May to November is the peak season and although the star is the tomato (we plant 8 varieties), we also have peppers, aubergines, lettuce, chard, cabbage, spring onion, courgette, cucumber, borage and a long etcetera. In autumn and winter our offer decreases, but even so we have various types of cabbage (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts.), turnips, beets, chard, leeks, spinach, and other stored products (onion, pumpkin , Garlic...)
We offer consumers all kinds of vegetables throughout the year and for this we source from other farmers who help us complete our offer.
We also have a certain variety of fresh culinary herbs: basil, parsley, oregano, mint, mint
And fruit, lots of fruit. We have seasonal fruit (strawberry, melon and watermelon) and about 200 fruit trees planted 5 years ago have recently begun to bear some of their fruit (pear trees, apple trees, peaches, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, plums, apricots... )
In addition to distributing our fruits, vegetables and pantry foods, we also offer organic foods from other projects with which we collaborate, so that you can easily access tasty and healthy foods. We distribute every week to consumers of the Community of Madrid.
To adapt to consumers, we do it in 3 different delivery formats (CONSUMER GROUPS, HARVEST BASKETS AND A LA CARTE ORDERS)