Nawang Cahyani
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Overall the game is really good. Great theme and storyline, aesthetically pleasing graphics, the control also works really well. Yes I read the disclaimer about this game supposed to be challenging, but the pace is too fast even from early level. I don't find it enjoyable anymore at certain level since they're too difficult. Please consider to adjust the difficulties by level/stages. Other than that this game will be really addicting and nice to play at daily basis.
46 people found this review helpful

Adelia Nastiti
This is a game with great graphics and concept, but it also offer simple missions and challenges. Anyway, for a simple concept game like this, the difficulty level is too hard. It is not impossible, but very hard & exhausting. I enjoy the simple goals and variety of characters, but frustrated by how fast and focus I should be in order to advance. I wish this game were not so hard that it gave me a headache instead of an entertaining experience. Please consider lowering the difficulty level...
123 people found this review helpful

Dea Nurlaili
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The storyline is well made and interesting, the consep is great but the problem is that this game has too many bug in it! It's keep lagging and sometimes force closed in the middle of gameplay! And sometimes we lost coin without a reason! At least do update ur game even if it just a bug fixed issues! Even if u busy with developing the 3rd chapter u still responsible to do some minor fix in this game! My phone is fine, the other game I have run smoothly, it just this app that keep lagging!
41 people found this review helpful