ALS Employee Application Features -
1. Authentication:
Easily authenticate using the details provided by Team Leader.
Hassle-free access to your attendance, public holidays, and profile details.
2. View profile:
View your profile details with ease.
3. View public holidays:
Check out upcoming public holidays with just a few taps.
4. Mark attendance:
Easily mark your attendance every day.
Never miss a day of work again.
5. View attendance:
View your attendance record, including day-wise attendances, IN/OUT
timings, no of present days, no of times you present for a half day, no of
times you forgot to mark punch-out, and no of times you left too early.
Get alerts if you forget to mark your Punch-Out, so you never miss a record.
6. Change password:
Easily update your password to keep your account secure.
7. View notes/rules:
Stay up-to-date with office notes and rules.
Never miss an important update or change.
8. Broadcast common notification:
Send common notifications to all employees with ease.
Keep your team up-to-date with important information and announcements.
9. Month-wise full calendar report.
View the full calendar for each month, including public holidays,
weekends, and working days.
Plan ahead and keep track of important dates and events.
10. View employees past attendance report:
View the attendance records for each employee, including their past
attendance records.
Keep track of your team's attendance and identify patterns or issues.
11. Employee ID card:
Generate employee ID cards with ease.