Hercules H
It's a very good app. However, clicking on "remove ads" doesn't allow you to purchase an add-free version... at least, not on my Pixel 5. It just pops up a message stating something about removal of ads not available at this time. If the dev can get that fixed then I would give it five stars.
8 people found this review helpful

Jonathan Quartly-Frair
Great app, I love all the features and stat counters. What is missing is a feature for when a player defaults or retires from a match. For example a typical set goes to 6games and that set is done but both players have more time left to play a bit, and one has less than the other forcing their retirement from the match. A button for this would be awesome. Thanks 👍
6 people found this review helpful

A Google user
This app is great for what it does but I wish someone would come up with an app that would allow vocal score keeping. In reality you can't keep score while playing if you have to get your phone out after each point. An app on a tablet / phone adjacent to the court where after each point you could say the score out loud and maybe shout 'SCORE' and it will give you the current score back would be tennis score keeping nirvana!!
23 people found this review helpful