[Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map] provides a map of observation data of unmanned automatic weather stations, which is updated every hour. There are currently about 480 stations.
After clicking on the weather station icon on the map, the station's altitude, temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, daily accumulated rainfall, today's highest temperature, northern lowest temperature, and today's maximum wind speed are provided.
There are more than 5,000 real-time image data built-in. You can refer to the real-time image lenses within seven kilometers of the rainfall station (up to 10 if available).
The [Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map] application is not a government APP and has no relationship with government organizations. [Taiwan Automatic Weather Station] The map application does not represent the government, political entities, agencies, organizations or their affiliated departments. It only uses their public open data to provide users with reference in the form of maps. It does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or accuracy of these open data. Responsible for availability.
●Central Meteorological Administration meteorological open data platform https://opendata.cwa.gov.tw/
●Ministry of Transportation TDX transportation data circulation service platform https://tdx.transportdata.tw/
All rights and obligations in the above-mentioned data sources, including but not limited to text, information and other materials, belong to the data source.
Disclaimer (downloading the program represents your agreement):
●[Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map] application is not a government APP and has no relationship with government organizations.
●[Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map] The data source of the application is open data released by the public sector. All rights and obligations of the data source, including but not limited to text, information and other data, belong to the data source.
●[Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map] has no relationship with the government, political entities, agencies, organizations or their affiliated departments. It only uses their public open data to provide users with reference. It does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or availability of these open data. takes no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of these materials.
●The disclaimer will be displayed simultaneously in the store description, the app itself, and the privacy policy.
Permission request:
Location permission (approximate location) to display automatic weather stations near your location. The [Location] permission needs to be enabled. "Taiwan Automatic Weather Station Map Application" will not collect location data after the application is closed or not in use.