NIDIAPAY+ is a digital payment service platform. NIDIAPAY aims to provide convenience and comfort for customers in making various transactions available in one application. Due to the large number of bills that can be paid in one application, there is no need to go to each different payment counter every month.
NIDIAPAY+ is a way of payment that is more secure, effective and efficient because paying various types of bills can be done by yourself via a smartphone. You can manage all your bills and top up needs in one application.
With the NIDIAPAY+ application, you can easily check the latest credit prices, view transaction history recaps, change your balance history, chat with customer service, and so on.
The features available in the application:
- Top up / purchase of electricity tokens
- Payment of postpaid bills (electricity, PDAM, TELKOM, etc.)
- Purchase internet vouchers
- Purchase game vouchers
- Chat messenger feature that is connected directly to our server engine
- Chat feature with customer service
- Check balance & account information
- Check real time prices
- Add balance using the ticket system
- Check the transaction history recap
- Check the recap history of balance changes (balance transfers, add balances, transactions, etc.)
- See downline agents and their downline agent transaction activities
- App Lock feature to secure apps from other people's hands
- Receipt printing feature for various types of transactions via bluetooth, supports various kinds of thermal printers with 58mm and 80mm paper sizes.
- The receipt print feature is in pdf format and can be sent to telegram / whatsapp contacts
- etc.
We will continue to develop features so that we can always provide the best.
We look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions or need assistance regarding our Services, please contact us at 085798885000 or via the "Administration> Chat Manual" menu in the NIDIAPAY+ application.