William Landreth
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I need to be able to use this app but often times it refuses to open. To use the web page I need to use Opera's VPN often times opening 3 windows "from" 3 different locations. Usually that will work but it takes a lot of time and trouble and then "security policy" reqects any screen shot request. Also I must ask for an update to the app that will include ALL DATA from the database including time end (usually the latest clock out expected) and other items that do not appear on the app at all.
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Teresa Baloyi
I have not been able to get the website or the app to load. I do have a new service provider. Under my old service provider I was able to access the website and app then. Tech did reply and stated that everything was working on their end. My service provider says the issue is with the website and it would not matter what service I had because the issue is with the website. I used the website to schedule work. At my wits end.
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Douglas Hayden
The Pending Schedule Section has not worked in 4 years. Right now, it's telling me to update to a new version, but I already did. I use the web version rather than the app. I don't trust the app.
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