The mobile application "Visit Urueña - Digital Routes" of the Diputación de Valladolid allows you to visit the first Villa del Libro de España, discovering at every step all the attractions it offers. The historical and artistic heritage, its museums and exhibition halls, the bookstores of the Villa del Libro, the tourist services of the town and the routes and itineraries that are offered to the visitor so that no detail is lost.
With the mobile application the visitor can detect the intelligent tourist signage that has been implemented throughout the urban area of Urueña, as well as in some points of its surroundings, receiving notifications that allow them to directly access the information of each point of interest or contents additional.
In addition, the application incorporates two very attractive games, whose objective is to contribute to the promotion of the Villa del Libro and the increase of tourism in the province of Valladolid.
- The section "Digital Passport of the Villa del Libro", whereby users can seal their way through the bookstores to complete an image of Urueña.
- The "Play in Urueña" section offers configurable questionnaires to test visitors, and can even prepare contests with prizes.
The application has been developed by the Provincial Council of Valladolid within the INTERREG project "Digital Rural Community"