Olly is a new app for girls and boys middle school and high school. It 'sa new way to play and have fun with your classmates and school!
Download the app and join your brothers who have already downloaded, or you invite your friends.
The game is to find out what they think of you, your fellow school ... a little 'game of truth and a little' I never!
There are only two rules:
1. questions are positive
2. responses are anonymous
What aspects download the app and start playing !!!
Olly is a game you can do with your classmates and school friends. 'S funny, always positive and anonymous ... play Olly and discover what people think about you!
How does it work:
1. Sign up with your phone number
2. Select your city and your school
3. Connect to the people around you, or invite your friends
4. Then play, answer questions
5. Each time you choose a pesona he receives a coin Olly
6. When you receive an opt Olly coin
7. Use Olly coin to buy the game new sessions
8. Just remember positive and anonymous answers questions.
Important: Do not use your contacts and your company to advertise or market surveys and not publish anything without it you want to do it.