Awesome classes for awesome people!
100 resources to make classes super attractive and deep!
100% faithful to the Magisterium of the Church!
100% free!
100% recommended for teachers and self-taught!
To make the classes unforgettable, the Premarital Course puts at your disposal:
1. Possibilities of registering, passing online courses, and obtaining university certificates for those courses
2. List of classes for each course. Viewed lessons are automatically marked and approved lessons are marked with a tick.
3. Summary with the most important ideas of each lesson.
4. Possibility for the App to read the text of the lessons aloud, which facilitates their preparation anywhere.
5. A test for each lesson
6. Several ludic activities designed specifically for each lesson: trivia, crosswords, enigma and hangman games, pictures with their explanation, infographics, digital whiteboard, videos, karaoke with songs related to the class.
In addition, the Premarital Course offers you many other things that you can take advantage of, such as:
1. Chat to clear your doubts and support.
2. The constantly updated liturgical calendar so as not to forget the great feasts.
3. Updated news about the Pope and the Church.
4. A devotional, to have the usual prayers and commandments accessible.
5. Links to other pages and Apps that let you know where there is Mass, at what time, how to ask the Pope for prayers, and improve on the path to holiness
The app is very flexible, as it allows the following adjustments:
1. Receive or not receive current news about the Catholic Church.
2. Check for updates.
3. Download all the resources to use the App without internet (many catechists have to give their classes in remote places and this is a great help).
4. Control the font size.
5. Turn off game sounds.
6. Show in an enlarged way, or hide, the texts of the anecdotes, real activities, offline and online activities.
7. Contact the App developers.
Everything designed to turn unforgettable classes that should never be lost from your memory!