Thinking about the future and future generations, "Seljuk City of Youth", with this mobile application implemented for the young people living in Selcuk to be in more effective communication with the Municipality due to the increasing use of mobile devices;
• Having a say in the district with online surveys,
• Making suggestions (for Seljuks) about realizing their ideas,
• Benefiting from discounts made with restaurants, cafes, restaurants, sports fields, etc… businesses in the district,
• Being more aware of the social and cultural areas of the municipality,
• To be informed about the events held in the district,
• Next days; earning points from the events, campaigns and tasks attended,
• Earning surprise prizes by accumulating points,
You can easily do all these transactions by becoming a member and reading the QR from within the application.
You can contact us at for any application, suggestion, request, or complaint or any issue related to our services.