uYcam enables you to remotely monitor live video feed with an incredibly intuitive touch screen user interface for Y-cam network camera. The app is a universal app which works on your Android phone and tablet ? Only requires one time purchase.â
KEY FEATURESⶠDirect access to video streams from IP cameras, No NVR or 3rd party server is requiredⶠPan and Tilt controls (Max 8 directions)ⶠPinch to digitally zoom for any part of the display screen that the user desiresⶠUnlimited number of cameras can be configuredⶠAutomatically capture images by in-app motion/face detectionⶠAuto sequence monitoring for automatic cameras switchingⶠOptical zooming option if the user's camera has the optics lens and is capableⶠSwitch IR-LED illumination for night vision on/offⶠPresets control up to 8 spots if applicableⶠAuto patrol to preset positions according to the preset number and time intervalⶠControl an automated vertical/horizontal patrol if applicableⶠEnable or disable Upside down, Mirror, Invert Pan TiltⶠAdjust video resolutionⶠEffortlessly navigate cameras with the variety of portrait and landscape modesⶠFor smooth and easy access to many featured functions, you can swiftly navigate through the control panels underneath the camera feed.ⶠPasscode Lock the appⶠEnable or disable Screen TimeoutⶠQuickly and easily add new models with reload buttonⶠExchange setup file between the devices via SD card
* MULTI-VIEW - Tap the Store button and see demo video (In-app Billing)ⶠEasily view multiple feeds simultaneously on a screen with layout controls (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 views)ⶠLast layout they were at automatically saved (initial layout is 4)ⶠSwipe back and forth between multiple cameras screens
SUPPORT CAMERA â Refer to Common: Black, Bullet, Knight, White- Bullet HD 1080: Bullet HD 1080
NOTE- Not every feature will work with every model and audio quality can differ between models- Before you can control your camera(s) remotely over 3G/4G/Edge/other Wi-Fi networks, you need to setup your router to allow incoming traffic. You should read your cameraâs setup manual regarding port forwarding. For more information, please see or The response time of PTZ control and multiple camera views depend on the network and/or your device itself and/or camera capability which may cause a little bit of delay in feedback- Continuously simultaneous activating detection of both motion and audio may cause increased video frame rates and audio delays
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