**Please note that this app DOES NOT create characters, it imports .por files generated by Hero Lab (Pathfinder only). PCGEN users look at my other apps**It is unfair to leave a 1 star review complaining it doesn't create a character when it is highlighted in the description!
---Hero Lab Character Sheet Lite offers the same experience for free with adverts---
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Just a quick note about the promised updates (21st May 2016):
I have had a few emails lately about the features I have been promising to bring to the app.
Admittedly I put that there were new features coming a long time ago, but since then I have started a new job and had to dedicate a lot of time to family, and as I develop the app in my spare time, progress has not been as fast as I'd like it to be.
Additionally the current app is not very maintainable and therefore hard to add new features without breaking things, I therefore have started from scratch for v2.x, this means it will take longer but already have a group of testers testing the new xml/portfolio importer.
Hopefully the approach I have taken this time will allow me to expand beyond just supporting Pathfinder and offer support for 5e etc...
Hero Lab Character Sheet allows you to import .por files generated by Hero Lab to create dynamic character sheets for use on your Android device.
If you want a character sheet app for your device but don't want to enter all the information manually onto your device, Hero Lab can do all the hard work of creating your character for you, and then just use email, Google Drive or Dropbox to import it into the App and make your character sheet mobile.
When you want to level up, just update your character on Hero Lab, email/Google Drive/Dropbox it to yourself and re-import!
Features include:
*Custom Dice rollers*Stat Linking - allows adjustments to stats to filter through to other areas of the sheet such as Skills and Attacks*Multiple character sheets, easily managed through tabs*Keep track of spell casting, health, subdual damage etc...*Campaign notes*Interactive help*Critical Focus (Pathfinder)
Things to note:
*Read the help screen on first load - it answers most questions!*My D&D group play Pathfinder, so all my knowledge for Stat Linking etc.. is based around that rule set, if it is not to your liking, simply switch the extras off in the options menu!*All code used to make the character sheets look is my own.*Stat Linking does not affect damage done by bows, as the .por does not identify Composite bows, if the name and description is custom and did not use the word "Composite" the app would have no way of knowing so this was omitted.*Although there are trackable resources in the .por file, it is not easy to track what is and isn't ammo and which weapons it would be associated with.*If you have you imported a problematic .por file and the app crashes everytime it loads, use the app settings in android to clear data associated with the app.*Use Hero Lab to save your portfolio as a .por file (this is the default output), the extension must remain .por, the app will try to read the files from default Downloads directory of your device, which is where email applications such as GMail should save files to by default, or you can load it through Dropbox.*Before saving your portfolio MAKE SURE Point Blank Shot is disabled, the app will work all this out for you, if you have it enabled it will be applied again as the value in the saved file changes!
If you have any problems with an .por file or if you think something is wrong with how things are done, feel free to email me at
[email protected] (preferably with the .por file).
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC® and details can be found in the "About" tab within the app.